Little Flock Children's Homes, Inc. is a 501 (C)(3) nonprofit organization, Federal Tax ID# 90-0138566. Donations are tax-deductible as allowed by law.
Why is Little Flock important?
The Times of India recently reported that there are currently about 12.4 million orphans in India today. India is home to the largest number of AIDS orphans in the world (the U.N. estimates children orphaned by AIDS as those under the age of 18 who have lost one or both parents to the disease). Even children with one surviving parent are often plunged into desperate circumstances, putting them at risk for trafficking, child labor or bonded servitude.
Little Flock Children's Home is currently home to 48 orphans. When additional construction is completed, it will be home to 100 orphans. Every child who comes to live at Little Flock is a child who is rescued from a life of grinding poverty.
General donation information
Little Flock Community Center has a dental clinic now serviced by SRM University Dental College Resident students and doctor.
Little Flock Higher Secondary School K-7 th standard, in English medium serves 140 students from the village and the home.
Tailoring project has taught and certified 100 women from the neighboring villages and provided each one with a sewing machine at half price and a micro loan. All women have paid back the micro loans.
5 women are being trained in jewelry making
6 women are being trained in leather belt making
A new medical clinic was constructed and opened this summer, 2024. It is being serviced by the SRM University medical doctors.
Little Flock is awaiting approval from the government to add additional classes and construct classrooms.

Child sponsorship
Suggested contribution for one child is $33 per month. This helps provide shelter, food, clothing, medical treatment, and schooling for your child.