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December 2018

Dear Friends of Little Flock,

As we look back at the year we are very thankful for each one of you for your partnership. Little Flock has seen growth since we took our first steps in faith to obey the Lord's call to care for orphans and widows in their distress. Children and some of our staff who had faced distress have found healing and hope in their time together at Little Flock. Team members have also experienced healing and hope in the midst of their service to our children.

The foundation for the ministry in the Village was laid in the year 2005 by a team of 44 people. They journeyed together to serve the poor and the marginalized in various places in Chennai even as we were starting to build the home for children in the Village. This team prayed through the entire stretch of the land at Little Flock. Bill Squires, a pastor from New Hope Covenant Church in Oakland, stayed back for a month living in a small shack with our watchman and prayed for the place and the ministry.

The prayers that seeded the mission were sown in 2005, and have been watered and nurtured by many who have come since. Others who have not been able to go to Little Flock are our strong prayer warriors at home. These collective prayers have touched and transformed the lives of our children, staff, and people from the Village Communities. Thank you for your heart of compassion and prayers of faith.

Little Flock Updates

All of our High School students graduated. Three of them are in College.

College degree completion

Rajeshwari had a dream of being trained in the medical field. Her father died of AIDS and her mother was HIV positive. This Fall Rajeshwari graduated with a BS degree in Nursing. In India the grade point average for degree completion is in three categories: First Class (A) Second Class (B) or Third Class (C). She graduated in First Class! That is high accomplishment from a highly ranked University. We are proud of her achievement. Rajeshwari sent a gift to Little Flock from her first paycheck. Your generosity helped fulfill her dream and to be a blessing to others.

Little Flock Primary School

A record number of children have enrolled in the school from the village.

We added a smart board to help our teachers with classroom management. It can enhance academic and digital learning, build motion into kindergarten lessons, and familiarize our students with smart technology.

Teachers and staff including our new Christian Headmistress (in green sari).

Middle School

We have been waiting for approval from the department of Education to add the middle school classes. We would appreciate prayers to have the approval by January 2019.

Dental Clinic

SRM University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Little Flock to send Student to service our dental clinic once a week. The Village community is able to access our clinic once a week. We hope to have a similar agreement with the School of Medicine very soon.

SRM University students held a day of competitive events for our school children and distributed prizes.

Winter Team

Nine people from the Bay area and Texas will be serving at Little Flock. The projects include jewelry making, building guard rails for the children's cottages, cooking, chapel, bible studies, discipleship and time with children.

The political climate in India is not favorable towards Christians, Christian ministries, or teams coming to India. They have denied entry to visitors at random and in some cases to entire teams. They shut down Compassion International which served more than a 100,000 children depriving them of funds for schooling and some family support. We count on your prayers and the Lord’s favor to continue the ministry of Little Flock in the Village.

As we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Savior we are grateful for His presence in our lives and for bringing us together to care for His precious children and the village community.

The Board, staff, and children of Little Flock join me in wishing you a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with the Lord's favor upon your life.



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